YAMAHA FZ6N 飼養日記 20 Battery Replace

The battery on my FZ6 is 6 years old… it’s amazing  the bike still starts. However it begin to take longer to start, guess he is asking for $ again. I got a new GS GT12B-4 with 50% price, hope it won’t last 50% of 6 years…

Remove seat and tank, the battery is in front of air box.

Remove 4 bolts of battery cover, and 2 bolts on the battery. The battery is ok to remove now.

Made in Japan & Made in Taiwan… That’s a big different.

Will test it when the sun comes out.

9 responses to “YAMAHA FZ6N 飼養日記 20 Battery Replace

  1. 版主您好:


    • The price I got my FZ6 is 380,000…… guess it’s not what we called “low” XD. But what done is done, it won’t change the fact it’s a good bike. I usually go to Zclub (for SR150) and the maintainance forum of Motocity, and yes, I went to FZ6 forum few times like the last time I need to change my god-damn TPS.

      About the folk, maybe u can try spring set from OHLINS. It’s still a street bike, can’t ask it perform like R6, So I just leave those “money holes” there.

      I almost dont use MSN, maybe u can add me on facebook (which I also rarely use….). The name is Bman Juang.

  2. wow…it’s been awhile you still keep your fz6n. I just got one 2 months ago and did bunch of replacement as you did. I bought one 4 carb synchronizer from UK..and it’s about just $3000NT. FYI.

    A new friend griting from south of TW.

    • 『He』 is like one of the family now, but the idea to sell him did cross my mind few times. I saw your FZ6-S2, the S2 version is what they should build this bike at the first place. I am still suffering from the weak front brake now.

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